Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 4: In the hospital)

Fill in the blanks.

take your time

more or less

refer to him as

getting better

on my own

thinks highly of


Bob: How are you feeling, Mark?

Mark: I think I'm . At least I can move my fingers today.

Bob: Great! Everyone the doctor who is treating you. They say he is the best.

Mark: Yeah. He is good. I heard the nurse Dr. Miracle.

Bob: Well, everyone at work is hoping you can come back soon, but . Do you know how long you will be in the hospital?

Mark: Actually, I am going home tomorrow. And since my wife has to work, I'll be there all day.

Bob: Will you be OK?

Mark: I think so. I can manage things with my left hand .

Bob: If you need anything, just call. I'll be close at hand. I'll come over and give you a hand. Just hand over all your problems to me. I can handle them. I'll be on hand.

Mark: OK! OK! I get it. Very funny! Thanks, Bob!

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