Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 4: In the hospital)


My Brazilian friend has only lived in the United States for six months, but his English is great. Before he came to the US, he studied in a language school, but mostly he learned English on his own from reading English books and watching movies. He had learned basic conversation before he arrived in the US. Then, after he got here, his vocabulary and listening got better very quickly. I would say that he is now more or less fluent in English. However, sometimes he still has trouble with idioms.

One day, he asked me to help him buy some jewelry for his girlfriend back in Brazil. Her birthday was close at hand and he wanted to get something nice. He showed me a picture of his girlfriend before we went shopping. When I saw the picture I said, "Wow! Your girlfriend is a real spring chicken."

My friend asked me, "Why do you refer to my girlfriend as a chicken?"

I explained to my friend, "I just mean your girlfriend is very young and beautiful"

At the jewelry store, they had several very nice necklaces on hand. I suggested that we take our time and look at several stores, but my friend found a diamond necklace that was a steal. He called the saleswoman over to buy it.

As the saleswoman was taking out the necklace, my friend decided to try out the new idiom he learned. He showed the saleswoman the picture of his girlfriend asked, "Don't you think she is a chicken noodle?"

My friend's English may not be perfect, but I still think highly of it.

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