Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 6: At the dinner table)

Fill in the blanks.

am at a loss

for short

coming up with

ran into

in spite of

neither blonde hair nor


Alice: Guess who I today?

Tom: Who?

Alice: Robert Smith!

Tom: Who?

Alice: Robert Smith, the boy who used to cut our lawn.

Tom: I . What does he look like?

Alice: Remember? He had blonde hair and glasses. He was really short.

Tom: Nope. I'm not any kid like that in my memory.

Alice: Anyway, he's starting college. Now he has glasses. He has dark hair and he's much taller. But the fact that he is grown up, he still chews bubble gum!

Tom: Now I remember him! We used to call him Bob .

Alice: Right! Bubble Gum Bob!

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