Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 6: At the dinner table)


My husband and I went to a high school reunion party in our old town. Almost one hundred people were there. As a rule, I enjoy meeting people. But when it comes to large, noisy parties, I get very tired. I told my husband that I would prefer not to stay for too long. My husband pointed out that we should at least say hello to the people that we knew. We did run into several old friends at the party, so in spite of the crowd I still had a good time.

During the party, a young man came up to us. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Brown," he said to us.

He looked familiar, but I didn't know where I had seen the young man before. I knew it was no use looking to my husband for help. He is terrible at coming up with names to match with faces. This time, we were both at a loss to think of his name. We talked with the young man for a while and then a couple came up to us. It was Don and Liz Wilson. (Her name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls her Liz for short). They were friends of ours. We had kept in touch, but had not seen them for many years.

The young man left after a few minutes to talk with some of his other friends. I told the Wilsons, "I'm sorry we did not introduce you to that nice young man. Neither my husband nor I could figure out his name."

"That's all right," said Mr. Wilson, "He is our son."

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