Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 7: In the car)

Fill in the blanks.

day after day

once and for all

have to

add to

of your own accord

resign yourselves to


Nancy: Mom! Jimmy is touching me!

Mother: Enough! I'm sick of asking you to stop! Can't you children behave ?

Jimmy: I didn't do anything. She's bothering me!

Mother: it's the same thing! "He's touching me!" "She's bothering me!" Are you going to stop this arguing, or do I stop the car?

Nancy: He started it, mom.

Jimmy: I did not!

Mother: I want you to stop this nonsense, !

Jimmy: Nancy better stop it before she makes me really mad.

Nancy: You can't make me.

Mother: That's it! The two of you better a quiet night at home. You're both grounded! No television! No toys! No friends! Nothing. And no more talking or I will your punishment.

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