Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - (Lesson 9: At the apartment)

Fill in the blanks.

as usual

hand it over

catch on

turned me down

for ages

working out


Pete: Hey Sam! Did you borrow my yellow tie?

Sam: Oh yeah. I've got it.

Pete: ! I've got a hot date tonight.

Sam: Really? With whom?

Pete: Carol Morgan.

Sam: You're going out with Carol? I haven't seen her . How is she?

Pete: She is great! She has been and looks better now than ever.

Sam: Wow! She looked incredible before. How did you get her to go out with you?

Pete: I asked her. OK, I had to ask her a few times. She at first, but I kept asking.

Sam: , your annoying nature wins in the end.

Pete: I think you're starting to . Always remember, "If at first you don't succeed, try again."

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