Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 101 : Reducing Vowels in Unstressed Words)

We reduce “function words.” These types of words generally don’t carry as much importance or meaning as the content words. If they were eliminated, the sentence would still make sense. Here is a list of the function words:

a. pronouns - he, she, you, they, mine, his, himself, etc.
b. prepositions - to, in, for, at, by, on, with, from, etc.
c. conjunctions - and, but, or, nor, so, yet
d. auxiliary verbs - am, is, was, were, do, does, been, have, can, could, should, etc.
e. articles a, an, the
f. indefinite pronouns - one, some, any, anywhere, somewhere, anything, something, etc.

There is one exception to the rule above: auxiliary verbs are stressed in their negative forms. See below.

affirmative: negative:
I can do it. I can’t do it.
He should try it. He shouldn’t try it.
I’d like it. I wouldn’t like it.

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