Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 104 : Thought Groups and Focus Words)

Practice stressing the focus words and pausing between the thought groups.

  1. I want to talk to you // about something important.
  2. If you give me your email address,*// I will send you the information.
  3. Every time I stop by his office, // he’s too busy to talk to me.
  4. I wonder how long // it will take me //to learn to speak English like you.
  5. What did you think of the new restaurant // that we went to last night?
  6. He has been looking for a new job // for a long time now // but he just hasn’t found anything // that he really likes.

(*Email address is a compound noun, so we stress the first word.)

Title - Thought Groups and Focus Words Title - Practice Conversations: Telephone Messages

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