Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 123 : Conditional Questions)

These sentences are all in the past conditional tense.

  1. If I’d known it was your birthday, I would’ve gotten you a present.
  2. If you hadn’t been driving so fast, you wouldn’ve gotten a ticket.
  3. If the weather’d been warmer, we would’ve gone to the park.
  4. If he’d been more careful, he wouldn’ve had an accident.
  5. would’ve passed the test if I’d studied more.
  6. Would you’/ɘ/ve done that, if you’d been in my shoes?
  7. What would you’/ɘ/ve said if she’d asked you about it?
  8. Where would you’/ɘ/ve gone if you hadn’t come to the US?

Practice Sentences

The sentences below are examples of casual speech and use instead of ‘ve for have

  1. If it hadn’t rained we wouldna canceled the picnic.
  2. It woulda been more fun if there’d been more people at the party.
  3. woulda called you if you’d given me your number.
  4. If they’d come on time, they wouldna missed their flight.
  5. She wouldna known if you hadn’t told her.

Title - Conditional Questions Title - Practice Dialogue

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