Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 130 : Words with Dropped Syllables)

When pronouncing the following list of words, do not pronounce all of the syllables. Instead of saying “choc-o-late,” with three syllables, say “choc-late” with only two syllables. Instead of “brocc-o-li,” say “brocc-li.” In both of those words one of the middle vowels disappears. Below is a list of the most common words that have a dropped syllable.

  1. actually
  2. aspirin
  3. average
  4. basically
  5. beverage
  6. different
  7. extraordinary
  8. evening
  9. every
  10. family
  11. generally
  12. broccoli
  13. business
  14. camera
  15. catholic
  16. chocolate
  1. favorite
  2. interest
  3. interesting
  4. laboratory
  5. liberal
  6. opera
  7. comfortable
  8. coverage
  9. desperate
  10. diamond
  11. diaper
  12. practically
  13. preference
  14. several
  15. temperature
  16. theory

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