Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 130 : Words with Dropped Syllables)

  1. a. What’s your favorite vegetable?
    b. I like broccoli.

  2. a. Is he Catholic?
    b. Yes, he comes from a Catholic family.

  3. a. Do you like my diamond ring?
    b. It’s really extraordinary.

  4. a. Would you like some chocolate?
    b. Yes, I’ll take several pieces.

  5. a. What are you doing this evening?
    b. I’m going to the opera.

  6. a. Is the temperature okay for you?
    b. Yes, it’s quite comfortable here.

  7. a. Do you need some aspirin?
    b. Yes, desperately.

  8. a. Do you agree with that theory?
    b. I think it’s an interesting theory.

  9. a. Do you like that restaurant?
    b. Yes, they have many different beverages.

  10. a. What is your preference?
    b. Actually, I don’t have a preference. I’m indifferent.

Title - Words with Dropped Syllables

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