Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 136 : Native Language Guide - French)

The Letter h

Make sure you pronounce the h sound at the beginning of words. The h is always pronounced in English except in these common words: hour, honest, honor, herb, heir, exhaust, vehicle, and ghost.

common mistake: should be:
“she as” “she has”
“uman” human”

Word Contrasts for Practice

Make sure you pronounce the words in each pair differently:

no /h/ /h/
1. art heart
2. air hair
3. ate hate
4. angry hungry

Native French speakers also have a tendency to insert an /h/ sound where there shouldn’t be one.

common mistake: should be:
“he his” “he is”
“he’s hat home” “he’s at home”
hi hate” “I hate”

Practice Sentences

  1. Henry hardly ever has a headache.
  2. Perhaps he hasn’t heard of the hypothesis.
  3. Have you ever eaten homemade Hungarian food?
  4. I hope his habit doesn’t make him an alcoholic.
  5. The horror movie had a horrible ending.

The Final s

In French, the s at the end of words is almost always silent. Make sure that you clearly pronounce all of the s endings when speaking English.

common mistake: should be:
“one of my uncle” “one of my uncles
“a few problem” “a few problems

Confusing th with /s/ or /z/

Review the exercises for these sounds in Chapter Four. Be especially careful with words that have a th and s sound near each other, such as thousand and south.

Word Contrasts for Practice

Make sure you don’t pronounce these pairs of words the same:

/s/ /th/
1. mass math
2. pass path
3. seem theme
4. all so although

The /r/ Sound

When it appears at the end of a word or before another consonant, the /r/ sound may pose some difficulties for the native French speaker. Review the explanations and exercises for the /r/ sound in Chapter Four. Make sure you pronounce the final /r/ at the end of words.

typical mistake: should be:
“mo” “more”
“fa” “far
“motha” “mother
“ha” “her

Word Pairs for Practice

Make sure you don’t pronounce these pairs of words the same:

no r r
1. foam form
2. moaning morning
3. pot part
4. tone torn
5. cone corn

The /l/ Sound

Make sure you don’t quickly release the tip of your tongue for the l at the end of words. This will cause you to over-pronounce the /l/. The American /l/ sound is softer and longer than the French, and the tip of the tongue is more relaxed. Review the exercises for the American /l/ sound in Chapter Four.

Pronouncing ing

Over-pronouncing ing is another common mistake French speakers make. Be sure not to release the /g/ sound in words that end with ing, such as going and doing. Review the rules for this sound in Chapter Four.

Title - Vowels

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