Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 139 : Native Language Guide - Indonesian)

The th Sound

Review Chapters Three and Four to learn the correct pronunciation of this sound. A common mistake is to substitute a /t/ or a /d/ for the th.

typical mistake: should be:
“tank” thank”
“dose” those”
“mudder” “mother”

Voiced and Voiceless Consonants

Review voiced and voiceless consonants in Chapter Three. There is a tendency for Indonesian speakers to change a voiced consonant into a voiceless one.

Words Contrasts for Practice

Make sure you pronounce the words in each pair differently.

/f/ /v/
1. life live
2. fairy very
3. few view

Words Contrasts for Practice

Pronounce the two words in each pair differently

voiceless voiced
1. back bag
2. got God
3. half have
4. heart hard
5. bet bed
6. place plays
7. bolt bold
8. rich ridge

Confusing /s/ and /z/

The s in many English words is frequently pronounced as a /z/ sound. Learn the rules for this sound, and refer to the list of common words with a /z/ sound in Chapter Four. Other words pronounced with a /z/ sound include: husband, design, observe, always, and chose.

Words Contrasts for Practice

Make sure you say the words in each pair differently:

/s/ /z/
1. Sue zoo
2. Sack Zack
3. piece peas
4. face phase

Consonant Clusters

When a word contains two consonants next to each other, make sure you pronounce both of the consonants. Review Chapter Four for more help with consonant clusters.

Words for Practice

Pronounce both of the final consonants in the words below:

  1. just
  2. act
  1. lost
  2. hand
  1. paint
  2. project
  1. mixed
  2. paint
  1. sense
  2. desks

Confusing /v/ and /w/

All explanations and exercises for the /v/ and /w/ sounds are in Chapter Four.

common mistake: should be:
vine” wine”
“very vell” “very well”

The Initial h

Make sure you pronounce the /h/ sound at the beginning of words. The h is always pronounced in English except in these common words: hour, honest, honor, herb, heir, exhaust, vehicle, and ghost.

common mistake: should be:
“she as” “she has”
“uman” human”

The /r/ Sound

Learn to create the correct American /r/ sound by studying Chapter Three and by doing all of the /r/ exercises in Chapter Four. Make sure you do not roll the /r/ with the tip of your tongue, as this creates a harsh sounding Indonesian /r/.

Indonesian speakers tend to roll the /r/ when it is followed by another consonant, as in bring, program, friend, or when it is in the beginning of the word, as in red and right.

When the /r/ sound is at the end of the word, as in far and computer, or before another consonant, as in dark and concert, Indonesian speakers tend not to pronounce it at all. Remember, the /r/ is never silent in Standard American English whereas in British English it sometimes is.

typical mistake: should be:
“mo” “more”
“fa” “far
“motha” “mother
“ha” “her

Word Pairs for Practice

Make sure you don’t pronounce these pairs of words the same:

/no r/ /r/
1. foam form
2. moaning morning
3. pot part
4. tone torn
5. cone corn

Confusing s and sh

Indonesians tend to pronounce an /s/ sound when a word contains the letters sh. Common words that pose this problem include finish, decision, physician, wish, and cash.

Words Contrasts for Practice

Make sure that you pronounce the words in each pair below differently:

“s” “sh”
1. see she
2. seat sheet
3. bass bash

Title - Vowels

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