Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 86 : Syllable Stress Changes)

Underline the stressed syllables in the highlighted words. To check your answers, listen to the audio.

  1. He likes politics.
    He wants to be a politician.

  2. I love photography.
    Do you take a lot of photographs?

  3. He studied economy.
    He is an economical shopper.

  4. Do you know that family?
    Yes, they’re familiar to me.

  5. He is a very good mechanic.
    He is fixing the mechanism.
  6. Their opinions vary.
    There is a variety of opinions in the room.

  1. We celebrate Memorial Day.
    It’s in memory of the veterans.

  2. Do you know the origin of your name?
    No, it’s pretty original.

  3. He is a registered Democrat.
    He watched the democratic debate on TV.

  4. It is not necessary to do that.
    I don’t necessarily agree.

  5. He likes to compete.
    He’s always been very competitive.

Title - Syllable Stress Changes Title - Practice Paragraph

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