Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 92 : Phrasal Verbs)

Practice with turn

  1. a. We don’t need the heater.
    b. Turn it off. (stop, extinguish)

  2. a. The music sounds good.
    b. Turn it up. (increase the volume)

  3. a. Let’s watch TV.
    b. Turn it on. (to light, to start)

  4. a. He’s impolite.
    b. That turns me off. (disgust)
  1. a. The music is too loud.
    b. Turn it down. (decrease the volume)

  2. a. Did he ask her out?
    b. She turned him down. (reject a request or a person)

  3. a. He told me he’d be at the party.
    b. He didn’t turn up. (appear, arrive)

  4. a. Did you ask for help?
    b. They turned me away. (reject, refuse)

Title - Phrasal Verbs

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