Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 15: Complimenting a Meal)

Use a reflexive pronoun when the subject and the object of the sentence or clause are the same. In other words, the subject of the sentence or clause does something to itself or for itself.

These are the reflexive pronouns:
me - myself
you - yourself
he - himself
she - herself
it - itself
one - oneself
we - ourselves
you - yourselves
they - themselves

Compare when to use a reflexive pronoun with when to use a regular pronoun:

=> Reflexive pronoun: the subject and object are the same person

Lisa(subject) bought Lisa(object) a present. => Lisa bought herself a present.

=> Regular pronoun: the subject and object are different people

Lisa(subject) bought Larry(object) a present.
=> Lisa bought him a present.

Expressions with -self / -selves

Here are some common expressions with reflexive pronouns:
▶ behave oneself: I hope the baby will behave herself at the restaurant.
▶ by oneself - note the two different meanings:
          1: alone. Tim has no plans for Easter. He'll be home by himself.
          2: without help. Billy can tie his shoes by himselfl
▶ cut oneself: I cut myself while chopping onions.
▶ enjoy oneself: Enjoy yourselves on your trip to China!
▶ hurt oneself: Isabella hurt herself at the playground.
▶ look at oneself: Look at yourself in the mirror.
▶ tell oneself: Tiffany told herself everything would be okay.
▶ kill oneself: Joel is killing himself by working 100 hours a week.

Reflexive pronouns can also be used for emphasis:
▶ Now you want me to go to the training program? Yesterday you yourself said it would be a waste of time!
▶ Our boss made us work on Christmas day. He himself took the day off.
▶ These cookies are delicious! Did you make them yourself?
▶ You don't have time to fix my computer? Then I'll do it myself.

Note: Do not assume that if a verb takes a reflexive form in your native language, it is also reflexive in English.

Warning: The reflexive pronoun "myself" is often used incorrectly. People use it instead of the pronouns "me" or "I." You'll even hear native speakers make this mistake. Here are a couple of examples of what to say and what not to say:

SAY: Please give the book to Paul or me.
NOT: Please give the book to Paul or myself.

SAY: Either Evan or I will give the speech.
NOT: Either Evan or myself will give the speech.

Listening - COMPLIMENTING A MEAL Quick Quiz -

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