Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 17: Dealing with Lost Luggage)

(to) do one's best
→ to try hard
Example: I'll do my best to finish the report by Friday.
(to) fill out paperwork
→ to complete one or more forms
Example: Before seeing the doctor, you'll need to fill out this paperwork.
for good
→ forever; permanently
Example: After graduating from college, Ryan moved back in with his parents. They hope he'll move out for good soon.
in a bind
→ in a difficult situation; in need of help
Example: Our school is in a bind. We need $10,000 to buy new textbooks, but there's no money in our budget for it.
it (or that) boggles my mind
→ I'm very surprised by that
Example: Some people spend $100 a day to send their dogs to a spa. That boggles my mind!
let's cross that bridge when we come to it
→ let's not worry about that until we need to
Example: "What if we can't find a buyer for our house?" - "Let's cross that bridge when we come to it."
pressed for time
→ in a hurry; not having much time
Example: We asked the waiter to bring the check with dinner, explaining that we were pressed for time.
(to) track down
→ to find (often after a long search)
Example: A Picasso was stolen from the Metropolitan Museum? I hope they can track down the thieves!
(to) turn up
→ to be found
Example: Angela hopes her missing earring will turn up before the dance on Saturday.
up the creek
→ in trouble; in a very difficult situation
Example: Our rent is due on Friday, and we have no money in our bank account. We 're up the creek!
NOTE: The longer form of this expression is: up the creek without a paddle.

Quick Quiz - Practice The Expressions -

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