Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 20: Traveling by Car)

To give a positive reply, use "so" instead of "yes" after: afraid, believe, guess, hope, suppose, and think.

Say Do NOT Say
I'm afraid so I'm afraid yes
I believe so I believe yes
I guess so I guess yes
I hope so I hope yes
I think so I think yes
I suppose so I suppose yes


"I'm afraid so" means "unfortunately, yes."

Say "I guess so" or "I suppose so" to mean you are not too happy about doing something.


▶ "Did your team lose?" - "I'm afraid so."
▶ "Do we have next Monday off?" - "I believe so."
▶ "Should we invite Brad to the party?" - "I guess so."
▶ "Don't you think we'll have good weather?" - "I hope so."
▶ "Will it snow tonight?" - "I think so."
▶ "Can I borrow the car on Friday night?" - "I suppose so."

Listening - TRAVELING BY CAR Quick Quiz -

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