Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 21: Taking a Taxi)

Ian gets in a taxi. Hes in a big rush because he has an interview in 10 minutes. Unfortunately, he gets stuck in traffic.

Ali: Where are you headed?

Ian: 411 Wall Street.

Ali: Hop in!

Ian: I've got a meeting in 10 minutes. Can you step on it?

Ali: This is the fastest I can go. If I go any faster, I'm going to get pulled over.

Ian: Don't you know some back roads we can take?

Ali: No, this is the best way to go. Oops! That was a close call. That bus almost hit us!

Ian: I've got an interview at 10.

Ali: I hate to break it to you, but there's bumper-to-bumper traffic up ahead.

Ian: Yes, I see that traffic is heavy. What's going on?

Ali: It looks like there was a fender bender. Now there's rubber necking.

Ian: What rotten luck!

Ali: We're only five blocks away. It'll be quicker if I let you out here and you run the rest of the way.

Ian: Okay. Here's 10 bucks. Keep the change.

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