Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 24: Down on One's Luck)

beggars can't be choosers
→ you can't always get exactly what you want; when you need something badly, you're willing to take whatever you can get
Example: I know you don't like Al's Pizza, but it's the only place that's still open this late. Beggars can't be choosers.
→ having very little money; not having enough money
Example: Joel has agreed to lend his cash-strapped son $5,000 to cover his rent for the next few months.
(to be) down on one's luck
→ in a period of bad luck (especially regarding finances)
Example: After being down on his luck for months, Ken finally got a new job and has started dating a lovely woman.
(to) explore all avenues
→ to consider many possibilities
Example: Kyle just graduated from college and is now exploring all avenues, including jobs at banks and with the government.
flat broke
→ without any money; poor
Example: Dan would like to move out of his parent's house, but he can't afford to. He's flat broke.
(to) get back on one's feet
→ to recover; to have sufficient money
Example: You lost your job and are having trouble paying your rent? I hope you get back on your feet soon!
(to) get by
→ to survive; to live from
Example: Jay's wife Susan lost her job, but the family is able to get by on just his salary.
(to) get laid off
→ to lose one's job; to get fired or let go from work
Example: After Scott got laid off from Ford, it took him six months to find a new job.
grunt work
→ work requiring little skill; menial work
Example: "Did Angela enjoy her summer internship at the bank?" - "No, she was stuck doing grunt work like making copies and getting coffee for the managers."
long time no see
→ we haven't seen each other in a long time
Example: Hi, Tracy. Long time no see. What have you been up to for the past couple of years?
minimum wage
→ the minimum amount an employer can pay an employee, according to U.S. law
Example: Right now Emily is making minimum wage at the fast food restaurant, but she's hoping to get a raise soon.
short term
→ not permanent; for a certain period of time only
Example: Ryan's company offered him a short-term assignment in Beijing. He'll be there for six months.
Tell me about it!
→ I agree
Example: "The professor's lecture sure was boring." - ''Tell me about it! I fell asleep after 10 minutes."

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