Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 24: Down on One's Luck)

Fill in the blank with the missing word:

1. Ashley isn't sure what she wants to do when she graduates from college. She plans to explore all _____ .
2. During his internship at the magazine, Justin got stuck doing lots of _____ work like making copies and buying supplies.
3. Tim lost his job a few months ago at the auto plant, and now he's _____ broke.
4. After Hurricane Katrina, many families had trouble getting back on their _____.
5. During the marathon, somebody handed Jack a cup of warm water. He would've preferred cold water, but _____ can't be choosers.
6. "This food is too spicy!" - "_____ me about it. My mouth is on fire!"
7. When Emily told her father she was _____-strapped, he offered to lend her some money.
8. It's hard to live in San Francisco and get _____ on a teacher's salary.
9. Greg got laid _____ , and he's now looking for a new job.
10. Angela is only working as a waitress short _____ . Next month, she's starting a new job in sales.


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