Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 25: Reacting to Bad News)

Jenny runs into her friend Carol in the supermarket. Jenny asks. Carol how she's been and Carol tells her all her bad news. Jenny responds with sympathy and offers her support.

Jenny: Hi, Carol. How's life been treating you?

Carol: I've been better. I'm going through a rough patch.

Jenny: Sorry to hear that. What's going on?

Carol: My husband and I are splitting up. I found out he's been cheating on me for years with his receptionist.

Jenny: I'm speechless!

Carol: Fortunately, I wasn't speechless when I found out. I gave him a piece of my mind!

Jenny: Good! And how's your son John doing? Did he manage to find a job since we last spoke?

Carol: No such luck. Poor John fell off the roof a couple weeks ago while doing some repairs and broke both his legs!

Jenny: You must've been beside yourself!

Carol: I was a basket case for several days. Now he's on the road to recovery, but it's going to take a while.

Jenny: If you ever want to talk, just give me a call.

Carol: I would enjoy getting together.

Jenny: Okay. I'll stop by later this week.

Language Lens - When Two Verbs Are Together

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