Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 4: Buying a Service Plan)

Tom is shopping for a new cell phone plan. Its tricky because there are many options. Mike, a salesman at the cell phone store, helps him choose the right plan.

Tom: Hi, I'm in the market for a new cell phone plan.

Mike: Do you have a plan now?

Tom: Yes, with MobileOne. But it's about to expire.

Mike: You're not happy with them?

Tom: No, I'm not. Their service is terrible. My calls are always breaking up.

Mike: Cellular Star's service is first rate. You'll get great reception. What are you looking for in a plan?

Tom: I need 400 minutes a month for daytime calls. I'd like unlimited night and weekend calling.

Mike: What about call forwarding, voice mail, and text messaging?

Tom: I don't need any of those bells and whistles.

Mike: The Choice 450 is our no-frills plan. That'll run you $39.99 a month, plus tax.

Tom: That doesn't include long-distance calls. does it?

Mike: Yes. it does.

Tom: So it's $39.99 a month, plus tax.

Mike: Yes, and there's a one-time fee of $35. That's for setting up the account.

Tom: Any hidden fees?

Mike: No. Of course, you'll want to read the fine print of your contract.

Tom: Right. I don't want to get stuck with a plan that only lets me make long-distance calls between midnight and 3 a.m.

Mike: Did I mention that if you sign up for this plan by Friday, we'll throw in a free phone?

Tom: I could use a new phone.

Mike: It's a great offer, with no strings attachedAll set to sign up?

Tom: Before I sign on the dotted line, I'd better make sure I know what I'm getting into.

Language Lens - Negative Questions

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