Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 6: Complaining at a Restaurant)

At Carmen s Bistro, all is not going well. John complains to Kevin, the waiter, about his overdone steak. Tanya complains that her fish is too rare and that the music is too loud.

Kevin: How are we doing?*

John: Not very well. I ordered my steak medium rare, and it's burnt to a crisp!

Kevin: I'm sorry about that. I can ask our chef to prepare another one.

John: Okay, please do that.

Kevin: You bet. And how's your fish, ma'am?

Tanya: It's very rare.

Kevin: Would you like me to have the chef put it back in the oven?

Tanya: No, I've lost my appetite for fish.

Kevin: I'd be happy to bring you something else.

Tanya: Okay, let me try the stuffed chicken breast.

(Ten minutes after the waiter has brought the new meals.)

Kevin: How are we doing over here?

Tanya: I was wondering if you could turn down the music. Loud music in restaurants is a pet peeve of mine.

Kevin: Sure, I'll take care of that. Can I get you another round of drinks?

John: No, we're all set for now.

(The waiter returns after 15 minutes.)

Kevin: Are you still working on your meals?

Tanya: I'll need a doggy bag.

John: Would you mind wrapping this up, too?

Kevin: I'll bring you some containers, and you can box up your leftoversCan I interest you in dessert?

Tanya: I'm stuffed.

John: Could you please bring the check?

* Sometimes waiters will ask, "How are we doing?" instead of "How are you doing?" This sounds very friendly and informal.

Language Lens - Polite Requests

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