Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - (Lesson 10 - Bob Visits the Village Market)

ballpark figure
→ an approximate number
EXAMPLE 1: The auto mechanic didn't know exactly how much the repairs would cost, but he was able to give me a ballpark figure.
EXAMPLE 2: The plumber estimated that it would cost $150 to fix our sink, but that was just a ballpark figure.
Don't mention it!
→ you're welcome
EXAMPLE 1: "Thanks for bringing the cookies," I said to Susan. "Don't mention it!" she replied.
EXAMPLE 2: "Thanks for picking up my suit at the dry cleaners." - "Don't mention it. It was my pleasure."
(to) figure out
→ to solve; to determine
EXAMPLE 1: Ted couldn't figure out one of his math problems, so he asked his sister for help.
EXAMPLE 2: Susan is sure she'll never figure out why kids today behave the way they do.
from scratch
→ from the beginning; using all fresh ingredients rather than using a prepared mix
EXAMPLE 1: The house was in such bad shape, they decided to tear it down and re-build it from scratch.
EXAMPLE 2: You baked these muffins from scratch? They're delicious!
(to) go nuts
→ to react with great enthusiasm
EXAMPLE 1: When Tiger Woods got a hole-in-one during the golf tournament, the crowd went nuts.
EXAMPLE 2: When Eminem appeared on stage, everybody went nuts.

NOTE: This expression also means "to go crazy" or "to become crazy with anger." Example: Jim went nuts when his wife told him she was leaving him for another man.

(to) jump the gun
→ to start doing something too soon or ahead of everybody else
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole really jumped the gun by writing her acceptance speech before the results of the elections were announced.
EXAMPLE 2: The bookstore jumped the gun by selling the new Harry Potter book two weeks before its official release date.
just kidding
→ talking more to get a laugh than anything
EXAMPLE 1: I was just kidding when I said your new orange dress makes you look like a pumpkin.
EXAMPLE 2: Are you sure that's your boyfriend? I thought he was your grandfather. Just kidding!
(to) make a pig of oneself
→ to overeat; to eat too much
EXAMPLE 1: I made a pig of myself by eating four slices of pie.
EXAMPLE 2: Of course you could eat another hamburger, but you don't want to make a pig of yourself.
(to) make time for
→ to put time in one's schedule for something
EXAMPLE 1: Don is a busy lawyer, but he always makes time for his family.
EXAMPLE 2: I'll be sure to make time for you when you visit me.
out of this world
→ delicious
EXAMPLE 1: Mrs. Field's oatmeal raisin cookies are out of this world!
EXAMPLE 2: Mmmm, I love your chicken soup. It's out of this world!
(to) roll up one's sleeves
→ to prepare to work
EXAMPLE 1: Let's roll up our sleeves and finish making these cookies!
EXAMPLE 2: You'd better roll up your sleeves and finish your homework.
(to) sit tight
→ to wait patiently
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole won't hear back from the colleges she applied to until April. For now, she'll just have to sit tight.
EXAMPLE 2: Sit tight, the doctor will be with you in a few minutes.
(to) talk over
→ to discuss
EXAMPLE 1: Dave and I spent hours talking over the details of the plan.
EXAMPLE 2: Before you make any big decisions, give me a call and we'll talk things over.
What's up?
→ What's going on? What's new?
EXAMPLE 1: What's up? I haven't spoken to you in a long time.
EXAMPLE 2: You never call me anymore. What's up with that?
you can say that again
→ I agree with you
EXAMPLE 1: You think our house needs repairs? You can say that again — even our toilet is broken!
EXAMPLE 2: "The weather is so nasty today." - "You can say that again! I don't even want to go outside!"

Listening - BOB VISITS THE VILLAGE MARKET Practice The Idioms -

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