Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - (Lesson 12 - Bob's Big Cookie Order)

Fill in the blank with the missing word:

1. When the sun doesn't shine all winter, it's easy to start feeling down in the _____.
2. Things were so busy at work, I spent the entire week running around like a chicken with its _____ cut off.
3. According to today's newspaper, the economy is improving. Things are looking _____.
4. I thought you could help me with my new project. But if you're too busy, never _____. I'll find somebody else.
5. For heaven's _____! If you don't stop playing those video games, you'll never get your homework done.
6. When the school asked Susan to bring cookies to the bake sale, she said she'd be happy to help _____.
7. When my friend John told me how busy he was preparing for his Halloween party, I offered to pitch _____.
8. It's like pulling _____ getting Nicole to help out in the kitchen.

IDIOMS - Practice The Idioms - 2

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