Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - (Lesson 13 - Amber Comes Over to Bake Cookies)

all the rage
→ the latest fashion; popular right now
EXAMPLE 1: Have you seen those new alligator-skin cowboy boots? They're all the rage this season!
EXAMPLE 2: At Nate's high school, salsa dancing is all the rage this year.
(to) call it a night
→ o stop an activity for the rest of the night
EXAMPLE 1: We spent a few hours walking around downtown Chicago. It was so cold that we were ready to call it a night by nine o'clock.
EXAMPLE 2: Let's call it a night and meet back at the office at seven o'clock tomorrow morning to finish preparing our report.

NOTE: There is also the expression "to call it a day" which means to stop activity for the day.

feel free
→ go ahead and do something; don't hesitate (to do something)
EXAMPLE 1: "Feel free to interrupt me and ask questions during my lecture," said the professor to his students.
EXAMPLE 2: If you need legal advice, feel free to call my cousin Fred. He's a lawyer.
(to) get out of the way
→ to move out of the way; to stop interfering with someone's plans or activities
EXAMPLE 1: If you're not planning on helping us prepare dinner, please get out of the way. The kitchen is crowded.
EXAMPLE 2: Get out of the way! That truck is backing up and it might run you over.
(to be) in good hands
→ in good, competent care
EXAMPLE 1: Don't worry — your dog will be in good hands while you're on vacation. We'll take her to the New York Dog Spa & Hotel.
EXAMPLE 2: You're in good hands with Tony. He's an excellent driver.
(to) know one's stuff
→ to have an expertise in a field
EXAMPLE 1: Steve has been an auto mechanic for 25 years. He really knows his stuff.
EXAMPLE 2: When it comes to cooking, Kristen knows her stuff. She spent two years studying at the Culinary Institute of America.
(to) lend a hand
→ to help
EXAMPLE 1: When Amber saw Susan washing the cookie sheets, she offered to lend a hand.
EXAMPLE 2: Would you mind lending a hand in the garden? We need to finish planting these flowers before it starts raining.
(to) lose one's touch
→ to no longer be able to do something well
EXAMPLE 1: I used to make delicious pies, but this one tastes terrible. I think I've lost my touch.
EXAMPLE 2: Dr. Stewart used to be a very good doctor, but recently several of his patients have died. He seems to have lost his touch!
(to be) out of practice
→ no longer good at doing something
EXAMPLE 1: Susan studied French in high school, but she hasn't spoken it since. She's really out of practice.
EXAMPLE 2: I used to play tennis every day, but I haven't played in years. I'm out of practice.
(to) pick up
→ to acquire; to learn
EXAMPLE 1: Bob picks up languages quickly. After two weeks in Spain, he was already speaking Spanish.
EXAMPLE 2: Diana picked up some great new ideas at the workshop.

NOTE: "Pick up" has several other meanings, including:

  1. To take from the floor or ground. Pick up the pen you dropped.
  2. To buy. I'll pick up some burritos on my way home.
  3. To clean up. Let's pick up the bedroom before the guests arrive.
  4. To retrieve someone. I'll pick you up at seven for our date.
sweet tooth
→ an enjoyment of sugary foods
EXAMPLE 1: Amber's got a real sweet tooth. Last night, she ate a whole box of Godiva chocolates.
EXAMPLE 2: No wonder Liz is so overweight. She's got such a sweet tooth!
(to) take a break
→ to stop and rest from an activity
EXAMPLE 1: Bob always worked 10 hours straight, never taking a break.
EXAMPLE 2: Let's take a break from our work and go get some ice cream.
(to) take over
→ to assume control
EXAMPLE 1: After 11 hours of driving, I was getting tired. Fortunately, my friend offered to take over.
EXAMPLE 2: My new boss will be taking over some of my projects.
too many cooks spoil the broth
→ too many people involved in an activity can ruin it
EXAMPLE 1: After Bob and Susan edited Nicole's college applications, they were worse than when she started. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
EXAMPLE 2: You don't need to help us. We have enough people helping already, and too many cooks spoil the broth.

NOTE: Broth is a clear liquid that forms the base for soups.

tricks of the trade
→ clever shortcuts gained by experience
EXAMPLE 1: The new teacher learned some tricks of the trade from Mrs. Blackstone, who'd been teaching at the school for 40 years.
EXAMPLE 2: My new job will be easier once I learn some tricks of the trade.
(to) work one's tail off
→ to work very hard
EXAMPLE 1:  Don worked his tail off to save money for his son's education.
EXAMPLE 2: Bob worked his tail off at the furniture store, but his boss fired him anyway.

Listening - AMBER COMES OVER TO BAKE COOKIES Practice The Idioms -

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