Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - (Lesson 18 - Everyone Bakes Cookies)

big shot
→ a powerful or important person
EXAMPLE 1: Martin has become a real big shot in Hollywood. This year he produced several movies.
EXAMPLE 2: Adam is a big shot in Silicon Valley. He started a very successful software company.

NOTE: This expression can also be used in the negative sense, to mean somebody who thinks they're very important. Example: Now that she's been promoted to vice president, Beth thinks she's such a big shot!

(to) fool around
→ to waste time, or spend it in a silly way
EXAMPLE 1: If we keep fooling around here, we'll be late to the restaurant!
EXAMPLE 2: Stop fooling around! You've got lots of work to do.

NOTE: This expression also can mean to have casual sexual relations. Example: Steve and Tanya were fooling around in the back seat of the car when a policeman knocked on the window.

(to) get on one's nerves
→ to annoy or irritate someone
EXAMPLE 1: My neighbor's dog barks all night. It really gets on my nerves.
EXAMPLE 2: Please stop whistling. It's getting on my nerves!

SYNONYMS: to get under someone's skin; to bug someone [slang]

(to) get the show on the road
→ to start working; to begin an undertaking
EXAMPLE 1: We can't afford to waste any more time — let's get the show on the road!
EXAMPLE 2: Kids, let's get the show on the road. We don't want to be late for the movie!
(to) help out
→ to give assistance; to help
EXAMPLE 1: Amber offered to help out in the kitchen by chopping nuts.
EXAMPLE 2: I'd be happy to help out by baking cookies for the picnic.

SYNONYM: to lend a hand

(to) lend a hand
→ to help
EXAMPLE 1: When Amber saw Susan washing the cookie sheets, she offered to lend a hand.
EXAMPLE 2: Would you mind lending a hand in the garden? We need to finish planting these flowers before it starts raining.
(to) lighten up
→ to stop taking things so seriously
EXAMPLE 1: Lighten up! I'm sure Ted was only joking when he said your guitar playing gave him a headache.
EXAMPLE 2: Don always takes his job so seriously. He needs to lighten up.

SYNONYMS: chill out [slang]; take it easy

night owl
→ a person who enjoys being active late at night
EXAMPLE 1: Sara goes to sleep every night at 3 a.m. She's a real night owl.
EXAMPLE 2: I never go to bed before midnight. I'm a night owl.
Nothing doing!
→ Not a chance!
EXAMPLE 1: You want me to buy the Golden Gate Bridge from you for a million bucks? Nothing doing!
EXAMPLE 2: You want me to write your paper on Catherine the Great? Nothing doing!

SYNONYMS: No way! Not on your life!

(to) sell like hotcakes
→ to sell fast; to be a popular item
EXAMPLE 1:  Those new Fubu blue jeans are selling like hotcakes. All the girls love them.
EXAMPLE 2: Stephen King's new novel is selling like hotcakes.
(to) stay up
→ not to go to bed; to stay awake
EXAMPLE 1: Ted and Amber stayed up all night talking about cookies.
EXAMPLE 2: Whenever I stay up late, I regret it the next morning.
Way to go!
→ Good work!
EXAMPLE 1: You won $2,000 in the poetry writing contest? Way to go!
EXAMPLE 2: That was an interesting article you wrote. Way to go!

Listening - EVERYONE BAKES COOKIES Practice The Idioms - 1

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