Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - (Lesson 21 - Susan Gets a Surprise Call)

all over
→ throughout; everywhere
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole's classmates are from all over the world, including Argentina, Brazil, China, Japan, Korea, Poland, and Ukraine.
EXAMPLE 2: Oh no! I got ketchup all over my white sweater.
(to) come to an agreement
→ to reach an agreement
EXAMPLE 1: If we can come to an agreement now, I can start work on Monday.
EXAMPLE 2: If you're not willing to negotiate, it's going to be very difficult for us to come to an agreement.
in that case
→ under that circumstance
EXAMPLE 1: It's snowing? In that case, you'd better take the bus to school today instead of driving.
EXAMPLE 2: You forgot your wallet at home today? In that case, you can borrow five bucks from me for lunch.
(to be or to get) in touch with (someone)
→ to be or to get in contact with (someone)
EXAMPLE 1: I was surprised when Luis called me, since we hadn't been in touch with each other since high school.
EXAMPLE 2: Leave me your contact information in case I need to get in touch with you while you're on vacation.
(to) look forward to
→ to anticipate eagerly
EXAMPLE 1: I'm looking forward to my trip to Mexico next month.
EXAMPLE 2: Ron has worked as a high school teacher for over 40 years. He's really looking forward to retiring next year.
(to) make one's day
→ to give one great satisfaction
EXAMPLE 1: Our neighbors with the crazy dogs are moving away? That really makes my day!
EXAMPLE 2: Thanks for bringing over those cookies last week. That made my day!
(to be) nuts about
→ to like very much
EXAMPLE 1 : Ted has every single Metallica album — he's nuts about that band.
EXAMPLE 2: We're just nuts about our new neighbors. We have them over for dinner once a month.

SYNONYM: crazy about

nuts and bolts
→ details; basic components of something
EXAMPLE 1: I don't need to know the nuts and bolts of how the computer works — just show me how to turn it on.
EXAMPLE 2: Simon really understands the nuts and bolts of how toilets work. He would be a very good plumber.
on a shoestring
→ on a very low budget
EXAMPLE 1: Bob and Susan were living on a shoestring after Bob lost his job.
EXAMPLE 2: In the beginning, the Hewlett-Packard company ran on a shoestring out of a garage.
track record
→ a record of achievements or performances
EXAMPLE 1: The women's basketball team at the University of Connecticut has an excellent track record.
EXAMPLE 2: We've spoken to your past employers, so we know you've got an excellent track record.
(to) work out
→ to find a solution; to resolve
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole spent half the night helping Ted work out a very difficult chemistry problem.
EXAMPLE 2: Sally couldn't work out her problems with her neighbors, so she finally decided to move away.

NOTE: "Work out" has several other meanings, including:

  1. succeed; prove effective. This plan won't work out — you'll need to go back to the drawing board and work out a new plan.
  2. endure; last. Tony and Angela argue all the time. I don't think their marriage will work out.
  3. exercise. After working out at the gym for two hours, Scott could barely walk.

Listening - SUSAN GETS A SURPRISE CALL Practice The Idioms -

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