Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - (Lesson 23 - Bob Has a Surprise Visitor)

at first
→ in the beginning
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole didn't like Don Quixote at first, but after 200 pages she started to get into it.
EXAMPLE 2: Don't get discouraged if you don't succeed at first. The important thing is that you keep on trying!
(to) burn someone up
→ to make someone angry
EXAMPLE 1: Jenny didn't vote for Nicole. That really burns Nicole up.
EXAMPLE 2: I can't believe Kristen and Andrew didn't invite us to their wedding. That really burns me up!
come on in
→ enter
EXAMPLE 1: Come on in, the door's open!
EXAMPLE 2: If nobody answers the door when you ring tonight, just come on in.

NOTE: This is a more conversational way of saying "come in."

(to) get plastered
→ to get drunk
EXAMPLE 1: Harold got plastered at the wedding and fell into the wedding cake.
EXAMPLE 2: That's your fifth martini. What are you trying to do, get plastered?

SYNONYMS: to get loaded [slang]; to get sloshed [slang]

(to) get rid of
→ to free oneself of; to throw out
EXAMPLE 1: We finally got rid of our spider problem, but now we have ants.
EXAMPLE 2: I've got too many old magazines and newspapers in my office. I need to get rid of some of them.
(to) get (something) straight
→ to clarify; to understand
EXAMPLE 1: Are you sure you got the directions straight?
EXAMPLE 2: Let me get this straight — you're leaving your husband?
(to) hold a grudge against (someone)
→ to stay angry with someone about a past offense
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole holds a grudge against Jenny for voting for Andrea instead of her.
EXAMPLE 2: Julia held a grudge against her boyfriend for not bringing her flowers on Valentine's Day.
(to) let (someone) go
→ to fire; dismiss employees
EXAMPLE 1: The investment bank let Chris go after they discovering he was stealing erasers, paper clips, and other office supplies.
EXAMPLE 2: The Xerxes Corporation was doing so poorly, they had to let many workers go earlier this year.
(to) level with (someone)
→ to speak openly and honestly with someone
EXAMPLE 1: Let me level with you. I'm voting for Andrea instead of you.
EXAMPLE 2: I have a feeling you're not telling me the whole truth. Please just level with me.
(to) lose one's head
→ to lose control of one's behavior; to not know what one is doing
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole lost her head after losing the elections and started yelling at all her friends.
EXAMPLE 2: Remember to stay calm before the judge. Don't get nervous and lose your head!
no hard feelings
→ no anger; no bitterness
EXAMPLE 1: After the elections, Andrea said to Nicole, "I hope there are no hard feelings."
EXAMPLE 2: I know you were disappointed that I beat you in the golf tournament, but I hope there are no hard feelings.
no use crying over spilt milk
→ there's no point in regretting something that's too late to change
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole realized she'd made some mistakes with her campaign for president, but there was no use crying over spilt milk.
EXAMPLE 2: Your bike was ruined in an accident? There's no use crying over spilt milk. You'll just have to buy a new one.
Not on your life!
→ definitely not
EXAMPLE 1: You want me to sit in that sauna for an hour? Not on your life!
EXAMPLE 2: Thanks for offering me a job in Siberia. Am I going to take it? Not on your life!
on the job
→ at work
EXAMPLE 1: Jennifer has four men on the job painting her house.
EXAMPLE 2: Dan got fired for drinking on the job.
(to) stop by
→ to pay a quick visit
EXAMPLE 1: I'm having some friends over for pizza tomorrow night. Why don't you stop by?
EXAMPLE 2: Stop by my office on your way home tonight.
three sheets to the wind
→ drunk
EXAMPLE 1: After drinking four beers, Bob was three sheets to the wind.
EXAMPLE 2: Somebody needs to make sure Greg gets home safely. He's three sheets to the wind.

SYNONYMS: wasted [slang]; liquored up [slang]; dead drunk

well off
→ wealthy; financially secure
EXAMPLE 1: Betsy's grandfather used to be very well off, but he lost most of his fortune when the U.S. stock market crashed in 1929.
EXAMPLE 2: Debbie is a doctor and her husband is a lawyer. They're quite well off.
small fortune
→ a good amount of money
EXAMPLE 1: When her great aunt died, Anne inherited a small fortune.
EXAMPLE 2: You won $25,000 in the lottery? That's a small fortune!

Listening - BOB HAS A SURPRISE VISITOR Practice The Idioms -

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