Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - (Lesson 24 - Amber Writes a Song)

Fill in the blanks using these idioms:

buy time           chill out           freaked out          all along           cut it out          in charge of

sick and tired of          first things first

  1. Nicole really when she heard she lost the presidential election. She threw her books across the room!
  2. Ted, why do you always leave your dirty clothes on the floor? Your mother is cleaning up after you.
  3. Donna, from the National Cookie Company, wanted Susan to sign a contract right away. Susan told her . She wanted to speak to a lawyer before signing any papers.
  4. As president of the Spanish Club, Nicole will be organizing a trip to Spain in the spring.
  5. When Nicole saw a group of her brother's friends laughing at her, she told them to .
  6. After losing the election, Nicole was very upset. She needed to take it easy and .
  7. Bob and Susan weren't sure yet how much they wanted to sell their cookie company for. They needed to so they could get some advice.
  8. Nicole had assumed that she was going to win the election. She was really surprised when she lost.

IDIOMS - Practice The Idioms - 2

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