Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - Review For (Lessons 21-25)

Fill in the blank with the missing word:

1. Next year, Ted will be traveling all _____ the world with his band.
2. After his fifth vodka, Steve was _____ sheets to the wind.
3. For a while, the Johnsons were living _____ a shoestring. They couldn't afford to eat out at restaurants.
4. When my friend lost her favorite necklace, I told her it was no use crying over spilt _____.
5. Joel has a fun job. He's _____ charge of advertising sales for Mad, the best humor magazine in America.
6. Please put away your wallet! Let me _____ the bill.
7. My friend was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I told her to chill _____.
8. Bob worked out the nuts and _____ of the agreement with the National Cookie Company.
9. After Martha's neighbor chopped down her apple tree, she held a grudge _____ him for years.
10. I arrived late to the stadium. The baseball game was already _____ progress.
11. My friend invited me out for a drink, but I told her I'd first need to wrap _____ some things at the office.
12. I'm _____ and tired of telemarketers calling me in the evening trying to sell me stuff I don't want.
13. Kristen's boss paid her a compliment. He said she was the best salesperson in the company. That really _____ her day.
14. The person seated behind me on the airplane kept on kicking my seat. Finally, I told him to _____ it out.
15. Amber hopes to break _____ the modeling business after she graduates from high school. She can definitely model nose rings and tattoos!

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