Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - Review For (Lessons 21-25)


1. First things . Before we start wandering around the streets of Paris, let's look at a map and plan our route.
3. The company will wine and their top candidates for this position.
5. Nicole was really looking to her school trip to Spain.
7. Ken is an engineer. He tries to understand the nuts and of how things work.
9. When the stock market collapsed, Bob lost his and sold everything.
10. Nicole's boyfriend forgot his wallet, so she had to foot the .
11. Bob no longer shops at the Village Market. He holds a against them.
13. I was sick and of watching my co-worker flirt with our boss.


2. We can't afford a new computer for the office. We're running on a .
3. Bette Davis may have been a great actress, but she was a lady in real life.
4. Musicians from the Juilliard School of Music are the cream of the .
6. Diane and Mike just bought a mansion. They're rolling in .
8. Mary left her husband George for a younger man. She told George, "I hope there are no feelings about this."
12. Stephen King has a long track of writing bestsellers.

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