Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Like an American - Review For (Lessons 6-10)

Choose the best substitute for the phrase in bold:

1. This apple pie is out of this world.
2. Jane was feeling on edge, so she went to a day spa to relax.
3. You ate 15 cookies? You really made a pig of yourself!

4. Bob wasn't sure he wanted to work for his wife's cookie company, but she talked him into it.
5. Nancy doesn't have a clue about the Internet. She's never even used e-mail.
6. Stop beating around the bush! I don't know what you're trying to tell me.
7. Paul likes to draw silly cartoons of his classmates on the blackboard before class. He's a wise guy.
8. Tom needed to learn how to ride a horse before his trip to Ireland, so he took a crash course.
9. Laura made a bundle when she was younger, and now she spends every day on the golf course.
10. The doctor will be with you soon. Please sit tight.

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