Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Tactics For Listening - Developing- 3rd - (Unit 11: Invitations)

Listen to the invitations on Erin’s voicemail. Are the statements true or false? Check (✔) the correct answer.
True False

a. The invitation is to watch a baseball game.

b. Friends from school will be there.

c. They’ll go out to eat.

d. The meeting time is 9:00 pm.


a. The invitation is for lunch on Saturday.

b. It's a surprise birthday party for Meg.

c. The meeting time is noon.

d. Everyone should bring a gift.


a. It’s an invitation to the theater.

b. The concert is on Saturday.

c. An Australian rock group is playing.

d. They’ll have dinner before the concert.


a. The invitation is to play tennis.

b. Some friends are meeting on Sunday afternoon.

c. The meeting time Is 2:00 pm.

d. Afterwards, they'll have dinner and see a movie.

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