Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 01: Daily Life)

Read the sentences about a boy who is doing a language course in the UK. Choose the best answer, A, B or C.
0. Ping __________ at 7:30am every morning and has breakfast with his host family.

1. At 8:30am, he __________ the    bus to his language school.

2. During the day, Ping studies English and __________ to his classmates.

3. Everyone speaks English in his class because the students all __________ from different countries around the world.

4. After Ping finishes school at 3:00pm, he often __________ some sightseeing in the city with his friends.

5. In the evening, Ping relaxes with his host family, __________ TV or goes online.

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