Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 04: Travel And Holidays)

07. You are going to listen to a radio interview with a student called Anna, who has recently taken part in a summer cultural exchange programme. First, look at the example question and the answer options, and read the Bullet Box. Then, listen to Part 1 of the interview.

In some Listening exam tasks, you may be asked to listen to an interview. in these tasks, you should:

- identify the key words in the question or statement.

- identify key words in the three multiple-choice options. You may hear all the key words but only one answers the question or completes the statement.

- remember that you may also not hear the exact words that you see in the question or options.

0. Why did Anna decide to go on a language exchange programme in Spain?
A She is good at sports.
B She studies Spanish and not French.
C She wanted to go somewhere new.

Answer: C

08. Now, read Part 1 of the interview and the highlighted parts. In pairs, discuss why C is the correct answer in Exercise 7.

Well, students can travel to France or Spain on a language exchange, or to the USA on a sports or music exchange. I didn’t go to the USA because I'm not very good at sports. However, I study French and Spanish at school, sol had two options. I’ve been to France before, so I decided to go to Spain instead.

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