Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 08: Health And Medicine)

Now, look at the question and read the exam strategy.

1. The writer believes that children who have important exams
A. need sports lessons to keep healthy.
B. don’t need to focus on other subjects.
C. need to spend all their time studying.
In some Reading exams,you will need to answer multiple-choice questions. There is only one correct answer option and the other two are distractors. Read the question and answer options, then read the text again to find which answer option matches the information in the text exactly.

Exam strategy: answering multiple-choice questions

1. Read the statement very carefully.
2. Highlight key words in the question and multiple-choice options.
1. The writer thinks that children who have important exams
A. need sports lessons to keep healthy.
B. don't need to focus on exam subjects more.
C. need to spend more time studying.

3. Find the paragraph in the text with the information about this statement.

4. Highlight information in the text related to the multiple-choice options.
Some parents may think that while their children are preparing for important school exams, they shouldn’t have sports lessons. This could be because they want them to focus on exam subjects more, like science and maths. For a similar reason, some parents think children should also stop painting and music lessons in the final school term so they can spend more time studying. However, I disagree with these views, and believe that children should continue to have sports lessons. These lessons help students keep healthy and happy during the exam period.

5. Choose which of the answer options is correct.

Answer: A

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