Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 08: Health And Medicine)

Complete the dialogue using should / shouldn’t / should not.

A. I enjoy playing tennis butI want to improve. What I do?
B. My advice is you practise as much as possible. How often do you play?
A. Twice a week at the moment. Is that enough?
B. No, I suggest you train more often. I don’t think it's possible to improve if you don’t play more.
A. I know I have rest days when I don’t practise. Do you think I need to play every day then? Is it really necessary?
B. Maybe not every day, but you just play twice a week - that’s not enough. That’s my advice. Also, it’s a good idea to get help from someone who can teach you. I think you have tennis lessons.

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