Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 09: Language)

Write questions using going to for future plans and the words below.

0. what / going to / do / after/ lunch /?

I’m going to cycle home and do my English homework.

1. who / going to / do/ language project with / ?

Probably Peter, but if he already has someone to work with, I'm going to ask Aaron.

2. where / going to / buy / a dictionary from /?

There is a big book store near my house. I’m going to go there.

3. how / going to / improve / your language skills / ?

Practise, practise, and more practise.

4. when / going to / tell / teacher you want to move up to a higher class / ?

I don’t know. Maybe I should do it after the next lesson.

5. why / not going to / go university next year/ ?

I am going to work for my father’s company instead.

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