Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 01: Relationships)

06. Answer the questions in exercise 5. Follow the advice in the box.

1. What percentage of children live in extended families in Asia, the Middle East, South America and Sub-Saharan Africa?

2. Why are grandparents often less busy and stressed than parents?

3. What do young adults often think living alone will be like?

07. Read this exam task and the answers to the questions. What is wrong with the answers? Match the answers 1-4 with the advice a-d below.

1.                2.                      3.                 4.

When you are answering a question:

  • Decide on the key words in the question and think of words with a similar meaning.
  • Move your eyes quickly across and down the text, looking for the key words, or words that mean the same. Don't read every word. This is called 'scanning'.
  • If the text has headings, use them to help you decide which part of the text to look at first.
  • When you find a key word, read the text around it to make sure you have found the right information.

Some grammar words (eg a, the. some) can be omitted in order to get the right number of words.

Answer these questions. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

Question 1: What percentage of children in South Africa live with their extended family?
Question 2: What helps children in extended families learn about the past?
Question 3: What negative word can describe how it sometimes feels to live alone?
Question 4: According to the Italian proverb, who should you phone when you have a problem?

a. Don’t write more than the number of words you are given. You mustn't write full sentences.

b. Make sure that you use the correct information when you answer a question.

c. Don't change words in the text. Remember, the instructions tell you to choose words from the text.

d. Be careful with spelling. You can lose marks if your spelling is wrong.

08. Now correct the answers in exercise 7.

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

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