Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 01: Relationships)

In Speaking Part 1:

  • keep to the topic
  • extend your answers
  • don't speak too much
  • do not try to memorise answers to questions.
In Part 1 you need to give full answers to the questions, but don't talk or too Iong.Three sentences is plenty. You have chances to speak for longer in Parts 2 and 3.

Listen to three students answering the question Who are you most similar to in your family?

  1. Which student’s answer was too short?
  2. Which student didn’t answer the question?
  3. Which student’s answer was the best?

You can add information to your answer by adding a reason, extra details or combning information:

  • I don't see my grandparents very often because they live in the north of the country.
  • I don't see my family very often but I miss them very much.
  • I have a twin brother, so I am very close to him.
  • I look very much like my father, although we have very different personalities.

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