Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 02: Places And Buildings)

In this task type you will have to complete a sentence with up to three words (or two words and/or a number) taken from the passage. The instructions will tell you how many words you are allowed to use.

Look at this example: Houseboat occupants like fiving ____________.

This is a paraphrase of the following sentence from the passage:

People who live on houseboats enjoy being close to nature.

Because you have to use words from the passage in your answer, the answer is close to nature.

Follow the steps in the box opposite and complete the sentences. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 

How to do sentence completion questions

  • Underline key words from the sentence (houseboat occupants, in the above example).
  • Scan the text for the key words or words that mean something similar (people who live on houseboats has a similar meaning to houseboat occupants).
  • Read the sentences near the keywords carefully - like living means the same as enjoy being.
  • Find the words that seem to fit the sentence.
  • Check that the meaning of the sentence matches the meaning of the text.
  • Check the grammar of the completed sentence.
  • Check if the word(s) should be singular or plural.
  • Check that you have used the correct number of words


1. The two people who live in the transparent house love it, but it wouldn't .

2. The designer of the smallest house hopes to to the lack of houses allover the world.

3. People who stay in igloos sometimes protect themselves from the cold by making use of

4. People who have would find a holiday in a treehouse ideal.

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