Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 02: Places And Buildings)

Find words in the model answer with these meanings.

1. moved to a different place:

2. made (2 words):

3. knocked down:

4. got bigger (2 words):


The two maps show changes to the campus of Sunnyhills University between 1995 and today. We can see that the university made many changes during this period,including new buildings and recreation facilities.
In the past, the Scott Library was in front of the Founder's Building. It was relocated to the right, and in addition, It increased in size. The old library building now contains laboratories. In 1995 there was a car park in the top left-hand corner of the campus, whereas now the main reception is there. The halls of residence were moved to the far left of the campus and a new Arts Building was built opposite them.
The old sports ground, gym and tennis courts were demolished; however, in their place the university created a new recreation area with a pond, trees and seating areas. What is more, the university developed new sports facilities, including table tennis tables, a new gym and squash courts. They also built two new cafes.
So, it is clear that the university changed and expanded during this period.

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