Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 02: Places And Buildings)

The university developed the campus during this period. - active

  • The subject (the university) did the action.
  • The verb is a single word (developed).

New halls of residence were built. - passive

  • The subject (new halls of residence) didn’t do the action (build), but someone else d id the action to it.
  • The verb consists of two words: the correct form of be (were) + past participle (built).

Read the information about active and passive verbs. Are sentences 1-4 about the map active or passive?




1. The library was relocated to the right of the Founder’s Building.
2. They also built two new cafés.
3. The university created a new recreation area.
4. The old gym and tennis courts were demolished.

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