Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 03: Education And Employment)

14. Match the highlighted words in exercise 14 with the words and phrases used on the recording.

begins full fee goes on it's called
local some train a range of

15. Listen to the rest of the conversation between the student and the receptionist and complete the sentences. Ignore the highlighted words for now. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

1. The of the course the student wants to do is
2. The course at
3. It for a period of
4. The course aims to people how to use different
5. of the course is held at a nearby
6. The of the course is

16. Read your answers to the sentence completion task carefully and then answer the questions in the checklist below.

Have you answered ALL the questions?
Have you written the correct number of words in each sentence?
Have you written numbers as figures to save time?
Have you checked your spelling?
Have you checked whether your answer should be in the singular or plural form?

Now check your answers.

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