Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 03: Education And Employment)

The points on the topic card often begin with How or Wh- question words such as why, who, when, what or which. These points are given to help you.

18. Look at the topic card with some student's notes on it. Complete the student's notes by adding notes a-d to the correct part of the card.

Describe a time when you learnt something new.

You should say:

• what you learnt
• how you learrit it
• what the result was

learnt to ski;
, had great instructor!
, got a silver cup!
and explain how ym.i felt about learning something new. proud;

a. was in a group
b. really thrilled
c. won a competition
d. love snow and being active!

Now listen to Nina giving her talk and check your answers.

19. Make your own notes for the topic card in exercise 18. Use the key words to help you.

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