Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 04: Food And Drink)

14. Read the exam question below and study the charts, then answer these questions about the data.

1. What is the main trend revealed in the bar chart?

2. Which ten-year period showed the first significant increase?

3. What happened in the ten-year period after that?

4. What is the link between the two charts?

5. In 2015, what percentage of people were severely obese?

6. Which was the largest group in 2015?

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart shows the percentage of adults who were overweight or obese (too fat or much too fat) in one country from 1965 to 2015. The pie chart shows the proportion of adults who were overweight, obese or severely obese in2015. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

15. Now write your report. Remember:

  • Include an overview.
  • Don’t try to include all the data.
  • Don’t include anything from outside the data.

The bar chart shows the percentage of the adult population who were overweight or obese between 1965 and 2015, while the pie chart shows the percentage of people who were a healthy weight, overweight, obese and severely obese in 2015. The rise in the number of people who are too heavy was gradual from 1965 to 1985. The first significant increase occurred between 1985 and 199 5, from around 48% to almost 60%. In the next ten-year period there was a similar large rise. By 2005, approximately 70% of people weighed too much. The upward trend continued into the 21st century but at a slightly lower rate.
The pie chart confirms that in 2015 over 70% of adults were too heavy, and it also gives more detail about how much they were overweight. Only 6% of people were so overweight that their health was seriously at risk, i.e. severely obese. The remaining people were divided more or less equally between the other groups.

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