Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 04: Food And Drink)

 When you are asked to speak on a topic for two minutes you should try and organise your talk:

  • Introduction - say what you are going to talk about.
  • Body- answer the questions on the card.
  • Conclusion - briefly give a conclusion to your talk. 
You can help to structure your talk by saying why you chose the topic:
I chose this topic because ...
You can also use words like firstly/ first of all, secondly, thirdly to help you (and the examiner) keep track of your talk. 

10.  Can you use the phrases in italics in an introduction (I) or a conclusion (C)?

i.   I'm going to talk about my favourite food, paella.

ii.  I'd like to tell you about pelmeni - it's a very famous dish in my country.

iii. So, it is one of the most famous foods in my country for those reasons.

iv. To sum up, I think it's popular because it is easy to cook.

v.  As you can see, it's a tasty and healthy dish and that's why it's popular.

11.  Work in pairs. Look at the students' notes relating to the task card below. Spend one minute thinking how you will structure your talk, then take it in turns to practise presenting the information. 

Describe your favourite food.

You should say:

  • what the food is
  • how often you eat it
  • how the food is made

and say if you can make the meal yourself. 

Student A

Student B

Pizza - delicious, easy cook, filling on Fridays - late lectures, special day oven, bread, add cheese, tomato, toppings only frozen! I take-away
Conclusion - easy and tasty 

Vegetable soup - tasty, healthy, cheap at weekends, winter - long time to cook, better in cold weather chop vegetables, boil, wait
yes, love cooking, relaxing, fun

Conclusion - enjoy making, filling, economical 

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