Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 06: Leisure Time)

02. Read a student’s essay on the following topic. (Ignore the highlighting for now.). What are the good things about it?

People nowadays spend their free time less actively than in the past. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people that people are less active than they were in the past. There are points for and against this idea, but overall I agree with the statement. In this essay I why.
In my opinion, the main reason why is computers. Several years ago we to speak to our colleagues. We walked to their desk or office. Now we send an email without getting up from our seat. Even our free time is less active because computer games and go on social media. Before, people to a cafe to meet their friends or they went to their house. Nowadays, though, we chat online at home. In the twentieth century, children many activities. In today's world, parents are scared for their children's safety, so they prefer to keep them at home. For many, it is easier to stay at home than to go out. On the other hand, some physical activities more popular. There are more gyms than there used to be and it is fashionable to go running or to the gym. In my view, though, only some people do these things. Most people join a gym but they regularly. However, they never stop playing computer
games and watching TV! Also, these days everyone their driving test as soon as possible and starts driving. In the past, young people walked and went by bus.
To sum up, that people are less active in their free time compared with the past. Now people are lazier and less fit than they were before. (273 words)

03. Answer these questions about the essay (Yes/ No/ Not always).

1. Does it have the right number of paragraphs?

2. Is every paragraph clear?

3. Are linking expressions used?

4. Is the writer's opinion given clearly?

5. Has the writer looked at both sides (for and against)?

6. Are tenses used correctly?

7. Are there any grammatical mistakes?

04. The teacher has highlighted the student's errors. Can you correct them?

are saying:


people less active:


we playing:

were walking:


are become:

are not going:


I am agree:

Try to use different phrases to compare [Past and present or present and future. Make a list of them, as this kind of question is quite frequent.

05. In the essay, the student is comparing the situation now with the situation in the past. Complete theexpressions she uses to refer to the present or the past.

nw         nds         i t's wd         th daysboe         the p         sral years         tr ud to b

06. Look at the following sentences from the essay:

People are less active.Some physical activities are becoming more popular.People are lazier and less fit.It is easier to stay at home.

Choose the correct form to make some more comparisons between the past and present.

1. Joining a gym is (expensiver/ more expensive) than it used to be.

2. It is (more hard/ harder) to find the time to do exercise.

3. Most people eat (healthier/ more healthy) food than they did before.

4. It is (dangerous/ more dangerous) for children to play outside.

5. The pace of life is (faster/ more faster) than it used to be.

07. Find the following expressions in the essay.

1. two expressions used to give an opinion

2. two expressions used to introduce the opposite view

3. an expression to show there are two sides to the argument

4. an expression to introduce the conclusion

5. an expression to show that a point is the most important

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